Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I forgot to mention the funniest moment that we had in September.  We were sitting at the table eating breakfast and Adam was still sort of in a waking up daze.  Caroline looked at him and said, "Daddy, what are you thinking about?"  He replied, "Mommy."
Caroline thought about this answer and then quickly responded, "Whoa, were you having a nightmare or something!?"  
Apparently I have left a pretty great impression on our 5 year old.  When I am thought of, it is like being in a nightmare. 
We laughed about this little conversation all throughout the month, thanks Care Bear!

And if you happen to need to switch your thoughts from a spooky nightmare to a dream, enjoy this crisp fall canyon.  Afternoon drives are the best thing to get our little Olive to relax and fall asleep once in a while!


Erin the Mom said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Don't you feel so loved and cherished? Love it.

Halley said...

So funny! LOVE those kids.