Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday's fab five...a bit late

Even though it's late, it was a great week last week so I have to post!
1- Caroline is as active as ever and her thing right now is "Circles". She'll say that and then spin around many, many times and try to walk after. Adam and I have been rolling laughing, as we watch her dive for the floor, run into the love sac, and we've had to monitor when she gets close to the fireplace, etc. I love her energy and excitement.
2- Adam called Friday and said, "coming soon to a park near you.." He and Caroline had found a great park very close to my work and had me come over to meet them for lunch. It made me so excited that I cried, I thought it was so sweet.
3- I enjoyed Mother's Day all weekend and died when I came home from work Friday and Adam had cleaned our place, every inch, every piece of clothing, you name it. I didn't have to lift a finger all weekend!
4- Happy Birthday to brother-in-law Dave! We think Dave is pretty cool because he and Emily play in a band that is really good. He is very talented with music. I also still daydream about their unreal wedding in Moab, it was the best!
5- Oh, yes, and we did one of my favorite things this week....Yardwork. I am obsessed with yardwork once I start. It is so rewarding and fun to see the instant beautiful outcome. We take care of the yard at the house we rent out to people, maybe someday we will live there, I am in love with it. It's great too because Caroline was having fun pulling weeds and putting them in her bucket.


Britters and Parx said...

how are you?? HAVE YOU been to Sarah's yet? I want to see you!!!

Abs and Me said...

That does sound like a great week! And Adam is wonderful! I need to find me one of those!!! If you happen to find one in your new area, send him my way!!!

Hope all is going well!

Kaeloni said...

What a great Mother's day! Not having to do a thing!!! I bet Caroline is just so cute! She always waS!

Here And Happy! said...

Thanks for letting us tap in to your TV on Wed. We were such users! but I wouldn't have missed "The Caroline Hour" for anything. She was non-stop hysterical/adorable for a full 60 minutes plus. I'm still a little out of breath just having observed her performance. She's definitely warm sugar cookies--with sprinkles!

Emily Snow said...

i am obsessed with yard work too. ugh. it can really take a toll on you, can't it? that yard did always look SPLENDID though.