You can't get anything past this little one. She pays such attention to detail! The other day we went to a birthday party at the Little Gym and she got a cup full of candy. I spied my favorite candy bar, a Kit Kat, in her stash. I didn't eat it right away, but I thought that she wouldn't mind, or notice if I ate it. It was delicious, but the repercussions were not. Right after I had inhaled the thing, she walked into the kitchen, grabbed her cup and did inventory.
I think, "WHAT? How did she notice with all that other candy in there?"
Again she asked, "Mommy, where is my Kit Kat?"
I am now scrambling for an answer, yes, I thought about fibbing to my three year old. The thought of telling her I ate it and then knowing how much it would disappoint her was almost too much to bear.
"ummm..." still debating on how to go about this conversation.
"Well, I ate it. And I am so, so sorry sweetheart."
Then a look from Caroline of total shock that her mother would steal her candy bar. "But I really, really wanted it."
So to make it better I bought a large Kit Kat bar, she ate it and I thought we called it good. But at another party weeks later she whispered in Adam's ear and said, "Daddy, I need to tell them that mommy ate my Kit Kat."
And she did. I have scarred our child and she thinks her mommy is a crook.
I have tried to change that thinking by keeping busy exploring museums. Caroline is very much into our earth and different planets. She also wants a pet really bad, and after exploring the mammals exhibit she said she would like an owl, a meerkat, or a buffalo. Adam and I are still deciding which one would best fit our apartment.