Caroline is busy keeping us laughing and being very active. Some of her new comedy acts are...
-calling Crystal Light "Crystal Life" (I ask her to say it over and over)
-She loves stretching out between the couch and the coffee table and then she says, "Yoga" or lately she also says "Stretching". She pulls the yoga move at church between benches, on patio furniture, anywhere she can get her downward dog move going.
-She has come up with new exfoliating masks for her face such as peanut butter, ketchup, ritz crackers...and her skin looks great!
-She can't get enough of spinning in circles and yelling "Circles, Circles!" Then she will pause, look quite unsteady and try to walk, and yes there have been some funny dives into the floor.
-She loves bugs and will lay down on the cement right by them and say, "I see some! Hi bugs!"
-High pitch screaming is another painful, but often funny talent? At the bees game last week she sounded like a high pitch firework going off. Everyone around us was laughing, which she thought was great. Although it hurts the eardrums, it's hard not to laugh.