This was one of the best weeks ever!...
1- Baby Samuel Alvin Thomas was born which makes 4 boys in Erin and Jon's (Adam's sister) family! He is darling and has extreme amounts of hair. Caroline was so excited to see baby Samuel and was very sweet with him. Congrats to the Thomas fam!
2- Happy Birthday to Corinne! Corinne is the best and we really are a lot alike, the good and the crazy. We are both hyper, extreme worry warts at times, shopping isn't half bad, and people say we look alike. I have wanted to be like her ever since elementary when I would try to wear her clothes that were too big for me. She is the best mom and I love hanging out with her!
3- Our nephew Luke is 7! Happy Birthday you Indiana Jones fanatic! We love Luke so, so much, from repeating "5 dollar footlong" over and over while eating one, to when he picked up some lint when Corinne asked him to help clean up and said, "My hands are full mom." (Mind you, that was long ago.) He has the sweetest little voice and smile!
Also, Happy Birthday to nephew Caleb! He now has a brother younger than him, Samuel and he is so sweet. His personality is coming out and he has some amazing dance moves!! He and Caroline are only 2 months apart so we love watching them interact.
4- Happy Birthday to Blake! He has been so good to us, he and Gae put up with us for a year when we lived with them and were able to finish school. He is always willing to help everyone and anyone with whatever they need, moving, roofing, putting in windows, painting, you name it. Thanks for all you do!
5- I can't get enough of Caroline pretending to feed her toys, dolls, and mommy and daddy. She will put the sippy cup up to your mouth and make the cutest nibble sounds. I love watching her play and watch her imagination start to take flight. Also, the other day Adam said "Andrea" then Caroline went around the house calling out, "Andea, Andea" I don't want that to be the case all the time, but it was really darling!