2- We had the most beautiful white Christmas ever! It just kept snowing and snowing, making it a winter wonderland!
3- It was wonderful being with all our family for the holidays! There truly is nothing better. We really hope that we will get to be all together next year if we do move away. It was also so fun to have relatives in town from Michigan, glad you guys could come! Caroline was also such a treat, everything she opened got a "WOW!" or "Ooooh". Being a parent at Christmas is the BEST!
4- We were able to go sledding a couple of times with family, which was hilarious! Everyone had a great time, despite countless crashes.
5- Caroline has now asked three times for "sleep". One time she was sitting on Adam's lap and said "sleep, binky", so he took her to her crib and she dove for it, pulled her blanket up and went to sleep. Another time she was in her room saying "up". I went in and she was attempting to climb up her crib, which luckily she can't do! I thought she just wanted her blanket, which she usually just grabs out. I put her in the crib, she grabbed her binky and went to sleep.
What 18 month old does that?! We just love that she knows what she wants and can tell us!